For Data Scientists, Data Managers, Data Engineers working with E&P data; sesimic, reservoir, wells, production data and reporting, new energies, geospatial data, machine learning, data governance, data warehouse, emission data, methodology, standards, collaborations, DISKOS, OSDU and more.
We are staying at a very nice hotel and conference facilities in Haugesund, a medium sized city located between Bergen and Stavanger, just an hour and a half away by bus from Stavanger.
This annual ECIM conferences offer an excellent opportunity to network with peers across operators, regulators, academia, service providers and technology innovators. More than 70 presenters will share their experiences on topics including data and information best practice, digital transformation, data science and analytics, and GIS data management.
The conference is the most important meeting place in Europe for E&P Data and Information Managers and GIS professionals.
The conferences are well recognized for its Break Out Sessions (parallell Work Streams) with presentations held by representatives from the industry for the industry.
The conference program is organized in a plenum session (tuesday morning and part of wednesday), and parallell Work Streams on tuesday afternoon and wednesday morning.
We are staying at a very nice hotel and conference facilities in Haugesund, a medium sized city located between Bergen and Stavanger, just an hour and a half away by bus from Stavanger.
Exhibition area will be open from monday 13:00 and until wednesday lunch.
11:00 Registration and informal networking
13:00 Exhibition opens
15:00 - 17:30 Industry Updates Session
19:00 Plenary Opening Session
20:05 Social Program
08:30 Plenary Session
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Parallel Work Stream Sessions
18:30 Social Program
08:30 Parallel Work Stream Sessions
11:30 Plenary Session
13:00 Lunch
Social Program
Monday 20:00 Ice Breaker and Buffet
Tuesday 18:30 Mingle Reception and Refreshments followed by Conference Dinner 19:30
Picture: The Plenary Speakers at ECIM 2022
For any questions please send an email to or you may call +47 91615866.
For questions re hotel / conference venue and registration pls. contact
ECIM - The E&P Community for Data and Information Management, is a non-profit organisation, organized as a foundation (Stiftelse/Stichting), established by the industry for the industry to promote Data Management and Information Management Profession, Competence and good and best Practice within the E&P Industry.
All ECIM activities are run on a non-profit basis. Conference and workshop speakers (committee members and session managers) are therefore asked to register and to attend the conference and other ECIM Work shops under the same terms and conditions that apply to all other participants.