Session Manager: Sun Lehmann, Equinor
18:55 What can your data really tell you?
- Harald Wesenberg, Equinor
Data is valuable, and the more data, the more value, right? In a world that is increasingly data driven, we are getting more and more value from our using the data that we have stored for decades. But are there limits to what our data can tell us? There is an adage stating that “applications age like fish, while data age like (fine) wine”, meaning that data become more valuable as it gets older.
Harald is on a journey to discover why so many software implementation projects still fail after all these years. He has been working with software development and innovation in the oil industry for more than 25 years and is a frequent contributor at conferences and workshops both domestically and internationally.
20:00 'Ice Breaker' - Refreshments and buffet
- Hosted by Schlumberger and Halliburton-Landmark
Session Manager: Sun Lehmann, Equinor - Pierrick Gaudin, Total
08:25 Opening remarks - by Sun Lehmann, Equinor
08:35 NPD 50 years – the role of data and data management on the NCS
- Hilde Nordbø, Assistant Director Data Management, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
To which extent has data, data management and collaboration between the industry and the authorities shaped the NCS and enabled success? A look into the the development of the shelf through “data lenses” from the authorities’ perspective and glimpse into the potential value creation from data in the future.
08:55 Data Governance – Hidden Value in a Mature yet Transforming Operator
- Matthias Hartung, Head of Data & Information Management, Wintershall Dea
Learnings from Data Governance in Support of Compliance, Enterprise Content, Production Optimization, Environmental Reporting and Management towards Net-Zero.
09:20 The Shell OSDU Strategy and experience to data
- Henk Tijhof, Sr. Advisor Subsurface and Wells Digital Ecosystem, Shell
The importance of OSDU in Shells strategy for Subsurface and Wells workflows and decision making.
09:50 Coffee Break
10:30 Embracing the Future – The Transformational Effect of the OSDU Data Platform
- David Holmes, General Manager – Energy, Dell Technologies (behalf of The Open Group OSDU Forum)
The state of the OSDU universe, where are we and how did we get here - What can I do with the OSDU Data Platform today - Why should the OSDU Data Platform be a core part of my technology roadmap, how will I manage the transition?
10:55 Panel Debate - Recognising the Past - Embracing the Future
- Panel Members: Maria Juul, Harald Wesenberg, Jamie Cruise, Neil McNaughton and Jane McConnell
Hosted by David Holmes, Dell Technologies
Survivors of over 20 years of ECIM reflect on some spectacular failures, some modest successes, and of course some work still to do..
11:30 Wind-up and practical updates - by Sun Lehmann, Equinor
11:35 Lunch
12:30 Parallel Session starts (Link to Work Stream Program / Parallel Breakout sessions)
Session Managers: Elin Lorentzen, NPD, Daniel Brown, OGUK
11:50 Are You Ready for ESG Data Management?
- Sakthi Norton, SEQual Scheme Manager, Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) (Co-author Francesca Bell)
ESG; Environment, Social, Corporate Governance; evolving value of data. Recognising that E,S&G is here to stay and the management of this dataset will eventually become a routine part of business, what can we learn from the evolution of geotechnical and operations data management in the energy sector? What might an analytics-ready application for capturing E,S&G data look like?
12:10 Data Factory "How to" using DataOps principles for O&G
- Chandra Yeleshwarapu, Senior Director, Head of Product and Customer Experience, Halliburton - Landmark
Transformation of your organization to harvest the insights from data by enabling access to and delivering right data, insight at the right time to every user in your organization by using principles of DataOps.
12:35 Data without Borders – New Business Models for Data Management
- Jamie Cruise, Head of Products, Data Management, Schlumberger
The industry has finally delivered new platforms for upstream data management. Inside your corporation, you can now stream data to your applications and data scientists using vendor neutral formats. But why limit ourselves to the corporation? In this talk we consider new business models that enable partnership and collaboration across the old barriers between corporate, public and proprietary data sources. We talk about new operating models for data exchange including crowd sourcing, evergreening, and federating external data sources.
13:00 Wind-up and way-forward, Sun Lehmann, Equinor
13:10 Lunch