E&P Data and IM Conference and User Meeting 2022

Chandra Yeleshwarapu

Chandra Yeleshwarapu is Senior Director, Products, Customer Experience, and Business Development. His responsibilities include product strategy, business development, marketing, customer success, and delivering the digital tools for our industry, OpenEarth® community and platform, iEnergy® Cloud, SmartDigital® innovation services and artificial intelligence and machine learning with the Big Data Center of Excellence (CoE).  In his previous role, Mr. Yeleshwarapu was Senior Director of R&D, Customer Support, and Global Services at Halliburton Landmark.

Prior to joining Landmark in 2011, Mr. Yeleshwarapu was Senior Director of Solutions Management at Ariba (now SAP), and Director of Product Strategy and Product Management at Oracle.  Mr. Yeleshwarapu is co-author of multiple patents and patent applications. He is a Board of Director at Energistics, the upstream industries data exchange standards organization. He is the Halliburton focal point in Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU) forum.
He has a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Pune University in India, a Master’s degree in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, and an MBA from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.


Wednesday 12:10  Data Factory "How to" using DataOps principles for O&G
- Chandra Yeleshwarapu, Senior Director, Halliburton - Landmark
Transformation of your organization to harvest the insights from data by enabling access to and delivering right data, insight at the right time to every user in your organization by using principles of DataOps.


Abstract - By taking a few use cases in data driven organizations from across B2C and data and insight companies in B2B, we will describe a new framework for Data factory in O&G. The framework will dwell into how to implement a data factory using DataOps principles and fine tune it for O&G. We will also discuss some key challenges to overcome and some alternate models on how to make data factory a success in your organization.





































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